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A premier educational, scientific, and cultural institution in the Philippines founded in 1887.
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Google Reviews

8,112 reviews
  • Patrick Modino
    Patrick Modino
    a month ago

    This is my second time visiting this place but this time I'm with my co-workers, including my gf. If you're really into art and prefer to go on a date in this place, this is perfect for you. This museum is full of masterpiece from different artist. I highly suggest bringing a companion or if you like to go on by yourself, there's no problem too. I appreciate all the artists who took their efforts seriously to create these beautiful sculptures and paintings that require pure passion. I'll definitely go back to this place. One of the best museum in the Philippines 🫶

  • alfred gacasa
    alfred gacasa
    2 months ago

    The National Museum of Fine Arts is a fantastic place! The museum is filled with an impressive collection of beautiful paintings and sculptures that showcase both historical and contemporary works, perfect for art enthusiasts and casual visitors alike. The free entrance is a great bonus, making it accessible to everyone. I highly recommend this spot if you're looking for a relaxed date idea or just a peaceful day out. It's an ideal place to take your time, wander, and appreciate the art around you.

  • Ezzel Magpile
    Ezzel Magpile
    a month ago

    It was fun here, great experience as a first timer in a museum. There were a lot of people here given that it's a weekday. We initially planned to visit all of the museums here in Manila but failed to do so as it took as a few hours before deciding to leave the museum as there were lots of great paintings here. Perfect for Instagram photos as well. Regardless, whether you're interested in Philippine history or not, I highly recommend going to this museum at least after you finished visiting other museums (since your expectations won't be met if you go here first and then to the next museum)

  • Cham Sarang Babunga

    A Timeless Journey: A Review of the National Museum of Fine Arts National Museum of Fine Arts is more than just a museum; it's a captivating portal to the past. From the moment you step through its grand doors, you're immersed in a world of history, art, and culture. The museum's arts exhibits are meticulously curated, offering a rich human experience. The collection is particularly impressive, with pieces that are both visually stunning and historically significant. If you're looking for a truly enriching cultural experience, This is a must-visit place. There are also two nearby museums which are the National Museum of Anthropology and National Museum of Natural History. - No entrance fee, you just need to show your ID to enter. - Water / Water Bottles are not allowed inside. So, drink up before you enter. - There might be a long queue in the entrance during Friday visit.

  • Quinn'z Land
    Quinn'z Land
    a month ago

    Actually visiting the other two museums after the Natural History one (like us) is the wrong order because you’ll surely be disappointed The top floor is an office space so beware of straying into areas not allowed. I personally don’t prefer the way they set up the pieces here since they painted all rooms except the first one with extremely bright and strong colors that distract you from observing the artworks. And the number of floors and art spaces are quite limited as well. Anyway, how do you get several mesmerizing museums in one place and all of them offer FREE ENTRANCE?? Like they should be treated like national treasures but here you get to see and experience everything for complete free, so please, treasure them 100x times more. I never want to leave this place and just wish my country has one similar

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